Excellent Bonding With: Uniform and Parallel Rib Pattern

Steel and concrete seem the most modern of materials, although both materials are completely different from act other. But in modern world both materials reinforced as a single unite to make buildings stronger. It is only possible when concrete grips the steel rebar to form the strongest bond with the help of unique rib technique of Mehboob rebar, which has rib depth and closer rib spacing as per international standard. Mehboob rebar make buildings strongest for generations.

Superior Weldability

Low levels of carbon ensure easier and faster welding without preheating. This means stronger and safer weld joints reduction in wastage during welding at site.

Corrosion Resistant

There are tensional residual stresses in the bar which results in superior corrosion resistance characteristics as compared to traditional bars.

Mehboob Group of Industry

Earthquake Resistant Properties

Mehboob Rebars are proven to have higher resistance to cyclic loading conditions and are recommended in earthquake prone areas due to their superior seismic resistant properties. Mehboob rebars meet international specifications this imparting them with strength and high ductility.

Excellent Bendability

Due to the highly controlled process that ensure a micro structure with a soft (ferrite and pearlite) core, Mehboob Rebars have excellent bendability (in spite of their high strength). This facilitates easy bending, Making work easier and faster at construction sites.

Greater Resistance to Fire

Mehboob rebars has high thermal stability that makes them preferable for applications at elevated temperatures of 400-600 C.